Happy holidays! We’re ending the year by watching a two-part Christmas special from the animated family sitcom Bob’s Burgers: season 8 episodes 6 and 7, titled “The Bleakening.” When the family’s Christmas tree is stolen from a party at their restaurant, Linda and Bob search for the culprit to get their kids’ handmade ornaments back, while the kids suspect an anti-Santa known as the “Bleaken,” who will prevent them from getting any presents. We discuss Linda’s sincere love for the cruddy ornaments, meeting other local business owners in town, and the show’s original musical numbers.
The Whatnauts present The Review Show, a book club style podcast covering a variety of genres and mediums including movies, TV shows, comics, anime, manga, and even audio fiction. Join your intrepid co-hosts Kyle and Melissa for fun discussions on a wild variety of entertainment you should know!
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