We watched the first season of the Netflix animated series Arcane, based in the world of League of Legends. Amidst conflict between the high-class metropolis of Piltover and its neglected and crime-ridden undercity of Zaun, sisters Vi and Powder fight to stay alive and make a difference for their community. After a mistake that costs the lives of their friends, the sisters split up and meet again years later, when Powder is now known as the unpredictable terrorist Jinx. As Piltover scientists work to develop magical hex tech to improve their city, they find that Jinx and other criminals could exploit it, leading them to question if their invention should be destroyed.
The Whatnauts present The Review Show, a book club style podcast covering a variety of genres and mediums including movies, TV shows, comics, anime, manga, and even audio fiction. Join your intrepid co-hosts Kyle and Melissa for fun discussions on a wild variety of entertainment you should know!
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